
based on SAP Customer Experience solutions

Learn more
With us you can
To quickly create and launch an online store
Reduce cost due to preset configurations
Use industry-specific modules
Use best practices of market leaders
Business results
Increased average purchase amount due to individual selection of offerings, recommendations and promotions
Improved online retailer’s response, short time to market, quick promotion to new segments and regions
Improved loyalty due to unification of customer interaction processes
Key functions
01. Creation of several online stores (websites) on a single platform
Unified system for all sales channels (mobile website, call center, smartphone application, pickup from POS, service applications for sales managers, information booths for buyers)
Multi-channel customer service ranging from purchase process to payments and product returns
Production platform for information management across products, catalogs and unstructured data (such as customer content, images, digital assets)
Social commerce functions: dialog with B2C buyers, traffic growth, increased average purchase amount
06. Ready-to-use traffic acquisition tools
07. Advanced comprehensive real-time personalization tools
Best-in-class scalability, flexibility and efficiency to process more transactions with different products/brands and use all communication channels in different countries
Pre-configured solution
SAP Commerce Cloud
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